Live It 5

Galatians 3:26-28

It was always a joke when I was younger that my mother and her friends could not understand the rock bands so popular when I was a teen-ager. “Why can’t they wear uniforms?” was the frequent lament.

One purpose of a uniform is to do precisely what the word means – make everyone look the same. This, of course, went completely against the grain of the bands in the 70s.

In his letter to the Galatians Paul is encouraging a sameness. What will make all the believers the same? What is the result of baptism in Christ? What is removed through belief in Jesus?

If you consider the Christians you know, whether a part of your church or not, you could probably rank them as to which seems more devout. While it is good that you probably know someone who is a very dedicated Christian, it is unfortunate that you can’t claim all Christians are the same.

There are those who are indeed able to live their faith. They are compassionate, faithful and giving in every instance and every occasion. Others are more judicious in their decision to be kind or merciful.

When all Christians are able to live their faith, to act in an automatic way in being generous and caring, then our individualism will go away – spiritual individualism that is. If all Christians could live their faith then no one would be able to say this one is less giving than the other.

Those who believe in Jesus, those who can live their faith, are all children of God who are clothed in the Spirit of Christ.

DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you put on the Spirit of Christ?

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