Where I Am 4

Psalm 23

Most of us have jobs we love and jobs we hate. We may work at a job we love, or we may find the job tedious. But even jobs that do not garner a paycheck may bring us happiness or be a drudgery to us.

Some people struggle through the 9 to 5 obligation of their career, while others enjoy their labors. We also have jobs or responsibilities at home – cooking, cleaning, mowing the lawn. Each of us can usually find something that must be done, but something that is also a pleasure to do. For myself, I love the job I am paid to do, and I also (believe it or not) love to do the laundry at home. They both are necessary things to be done and they both bring me joy.

Psalm 23 is one of the most famous and well-known passages of the Bible. It describes a job being done by God. What job does the Lord do? What are some of the things He does in this job? Who benefits from this?

The 23rd Psalm is a common reading for those in need of comfort. It serves as a very simple and descriptive reminder of all that God does for each of us. Like a human shepherd who tends sheep, God tends to us. He gives us rest and comfort – green pastures and quiet waters. He accompanies us through good times and bad – restoring our soul and guiding us in right paths. He also provides protection with His rod and staff, and sustains us with whatever we need by preparing a table for us.

And a big part of this job that God performs is giving comfort. He anoints us with oil, an act to make us feel special and valued. He makes our cup, what we have in life, overflow with His love and goodness. And He plays host to us, not for a little while, but forever.

It is important to remember all the many things that God does for us. But we must also remember that this job of shepherd is a job that God loves. He delights in giving us the good things in life. He delights when we rely on Him for guidance, protection, and comfort. We certainly find happiness in knowing God watches over us as a shepherd. But let us remember that God does it gladly.

DAILY CHALLENGE: Remember a time when God gave comfort, guidance or sustenance. Thank Him for it, and remember that God was joyful when He did it.

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