Water Walking 3

2 Peter 1:5-8

When a co-worker and I were brought on to the FRAT (Function Report Automated Table) team at Proctor & Gamble our duties were simple – a six-month job moving data from files into charts. As time went on we learned more and more about the reports and we began suggesting other ways we could help. These new duties led to more information, more suggestions, more work. The six-month assignment became open ended and after four years we had became an essential part of the process.

Through effort we gained knowledge. Through knowledge and creativity we re-applied our talents – and gained more knowledge. Peter speaks of a similar growth and progression.

What are we to add to our faith? What are we to add to our goodness? What are we to add to our knowledge? Our self-control? Our perseverance? What is the benefit of having all the qualities listed?

A recent meeting with other pastors touched on the ideas of this week. How much is enough? Can we ever reach that point where we have done all that can be done for God? Will we ever completely know God?

So many people I encounter have reached a point in their lives where they feel they have done enough. They taught Sunday school for X number of years. They attended church faithfully for X number of years. Now it’s enough. They begin to feel they have done their share and they can step down.

Do we retire from being Christians? Do we stop doing work for God? Do we stop trying to perfect our faith?

Of course not. No matter how old we are or how much we have done, there is more to be done. Our faith is a lifelong experience, not a career of so many years ending in retirement.

Our consultant position was a piece of cake, the easiest job I have ever done in my life. And we could have simply done our time and been terminated after six months. But we added to what we knew and tried harder, becoming better, more valuable employees.

The same is true of faith. Build your faith by adding goodness and knowledge. Learn to be self-controlled and to persevere in hard times. Study the Scripture, attend worship, build your godliness and brotherly love. When you build yourself in these spiritual ways you are becoming more effective in Christ Jesus.

DAILY CHALLENGE: Set a specific spiritual goal for yourself for 2008 and work to achieve it. CLICK HERE to go to our list of possible goals.

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