Joseph 1

Isaiah 2:4-5

Part of Sunday’s worship service was a time of greeting which included the question – “What gift do you hope for the most?” The person I greeted said simply, “world peace.”

What a wonderful gift that would be if there was indeed peace in the world. How wonderful if wars would stop, violence would end, and differences between people could either be accepted or settled without hostility.

This is the image presented in Isaiah. What will God do? What will the people do? What will nations NOT do?

The time of Christmas is that time in life when the impossible seems possible. It is easy to imagine in the stillness of a winter’s night as we look on soft lights of decorations that peace is possible. It is possible that God will allow the world to get along, to have no disputes, to eliminate weapons.

The concluding verse in today’s reading is an invitation. “Let us walk in the light of the Lord.” If we could all walk in the light of God, that is in His love and wisdom, if we could walk the way God wants us to walk – as people who love and care for others – then we may indeed reach that point where peace will come on earth.

When Jesus was born I am sure that most people believed the impossible was just that – impossible. But we know that is not true. The impossible IS possible. God could become human. God could provide a way for us to be reconciled to Him.

If we cling to the knowledge that with God all things are possible, and if we focus on what Christmas is all about – God wanting to mend that relationship between us and Him – then the idea of peace presented in Isaiah is closer to becoming reality.

DAILY CHALLENGE: What can you do this week to walk in the light of the Lord?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.