Invitation 2

2 Kings 7:8-9

Continuing with the story of the army of Aram laying siege in Israel, four men with leprosy have decided to take their chances with the enemy. They left the besieged city of Samaria to go to the Aramean camp. They had nothing to lose. Either they died of starvation or they died at the hands of the soldiers. But the enemy might be merciful.

Surprisingly, when they arrived they found the camp deserted. God had performed a miracle in the gathering gloom of dusk and made the Arameans hear the sounds of an encircling army. Fearing a trap, the Arameans fled and left everything behind.

What did the lepers do in the camp? What decision do they make?

Four hopeless men in a hopeless city enduring a hopeless situation decided to take their chances with the enemy. There was a slim chance that their lives would be spared and this attacking horde would share some food.

Instead, these four find an empty camp – empty, that is, of the enemy. But the tents were still full of food and riches, left behind because of the miracle God had worked. And now these four bold (or desperate) men could gather whatever they wanted for themselves.

But then their consciences begin to nag them. It is not right that they should enjoy so much goodness while the rest of the city languishes. The abundance and blessing of God’s miracle should be shared.

Our lives may not be filled with the same riches these four men found, but we are given abundant blessings from God. We are frequently witnesses to miracles and good works from the Lord. God fills our lives with goodness and meets our needs. And we are always invited to the abundant table of God.

But, God’s table is open to more than just ourselves. God’s table is meant for all people. Like the men in the story, it is not right that we keep our blessings to ourselves.

God’s abundant goodness in our lives should be shared with others. We can share in the material blessings we have had, and we can share in the spiritual blessings we have experienced by witnessing to God’s goodness or by sharing of ourselves with those in need.

DAILY CHALLENGE: What blessing can you share with others?

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