Faithful in Prayer 3

Ephesians 6:14-18

Our teen children are involved in various activities, and so, as their parents, we are familiar with all the necessary equipment each activity requires. Girl scouts calls for a special uniform – a vest and a sash. Track and field, and cross country both need special shorts, jerseys and unique shoes. Marching band requires a uniform, a hat and an instrument. Each separate outfit is specially designed to help with the particular activity.

As Christians we are called to ready ourselves with unique equipment. What equipment should we have on? Once we are equipped, what are we to do?

This letter to the church in Ephesus creates a beautiful image of how Christians should ready themselves for the tumult and troubles of life. We are to surround ourselves with the truth that comes from God. We are to guard ourselves with the righteousness that comes from obeying God’s laws, and we are to arm ourselves with the power of the word of God.

Immersing ourselves in our faith gives us the strength and ability to deal with the sorrows and uncertainties of society. But we are to do more than simply insulate ourselves with protective gear. We are again reminded to be spiritually prepared and clear minded with the simple command to “be alert.” Then we need to act.

Now that we are prepared, now that we have equipped ourselves, we are given instruction to pray. We are to connect ourselves to the Almighty in the intimate and sincere communication of prayer.

And when do we do this? We are to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions.” Prayer is not an activity exclusive to Sunday morning (or Saturday evening) worship. It is not restricted to hospital rooms or dinner tables. We should be praying in all situations and in all locations.

We are further instructed to pray for all the saints, offering up requests and petitions to God not just for ourselves but for others as well. Faithfulness in prayer calls for us to be mindful of others, to truly express concerns for the well-being and situations of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

But I believe it should also include those who are not “in Christ,” those who need to have a relationship with the Lord. Let your prayers be for all people in all situations. Equip yourself with the power of God and serve Him in prayer.

DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you equip yourself for prayer?

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