Wonderful Counselor 2

Hebrews 1:1-3

When I was a teen-ager my family visited Germany to see my brother who was stationed there in the army. I had a year of German classes under my belt when we went. Because I could speak enough German to pass in many circumstances, at age 14 I became the representative of the family as we dealt with ordering food, finding directions, and paying for hotels.

The Book of Hebrews explains the holiness and purpose of Jesus in very plain language. How is Jesus different than what was experienced in the past? How is Jesus described?

For thousands of years God spoke to His chosen people through the words and writings of the prophets. Names like Isaiah, Joel, Daniel, and Ezekiel all come to mind. These were attempts on God’s part to communicate with His children, to persuade them to change their ways and to understand just who God was.

With the birth of Jesus the communication changed. God was able to communicate directly. He was no longer working through an interpreter, but was speaking in a language all could understand.

Jesus was God in human form. Starting as a newborn baby, then growing up through childhood and into adulthood, Christ was completely human. But (and this is beyond our comprehension) he was also completely divine. He was God.

As the author of Hebrews puts it, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being.”

Although he seemed to be no more than any other person, although he seemed limited by human characteristics like anyone else, still Jesus was able to be God among us. Just as I was simply a teen-ager but still able to play an important part in our daily activities, Jesus – although human – was still able to be God.

By living among mortals Jesus was able to be that wonderful counselor to those in need. He could teach in ways that everyone could comprehend. He could understand people as well, empathizing with their struggles and hardships. Whatever we go through in life – the fears and doubts, the pain and sorrows – Jesus has experienced them himself. Therefore, God has experienced our troubles too.

As that human gift to God’s beloved children Jesus is able to be the close companion, that guide, that source of advice and strength that we need so often. With Christ as our counselor we are assured that God understands us. Through Christ we can connect directly to our heavenly Father.

DAILY CHALLENGE: What do you want God to understand about you?

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