Invitation to Service 2

Matthew 10:7-8

Now and then we encounter some confusion about ministry. There are those who see events at the church, or events put on by the church, as opportunities to raise money. We can charge a small fee and raise some money. We can sell tickets.

While there are times when fund-raisers are helpful, not everything a church does is about bringing in money. In fact, I believe most of what we do should be about giving freely.

In Matthew 10 we have Jesus sending out the twelve disciples to be in ministry, providing them with some instructions. What is the message they should share? According to verse 8, what should their attitude be? What should they not take?

Reading this passage I am struck by the simplicity of it all. These men were starting out on something that most certainly was intimidating, something they were probably apprehensive about doing. I imagine they questioned their ability to accomplish anything.

But Jesus gives simple instructions. Their message is not complicated or difficult to understand. He gives them authority to do miraculous things, but their attitude is to be one of humility. They are not doing it for financial gain. They are to be free in their giving.

Finally, they are not to take all manner of supplies and money. He was forcing them to trust in God to provide for their needs.

We can learn about our own ministry in this passage. By taking the time and effort to help others in need, we are sharing the simple message of God’s love. We don’t need to be Bible experts, just people willing to give freely of our time and talents, whatever they are. Those who receive will know that they are loved without complex and intricate explanations and theologies.

Like the disciples, God has given to us freely; we should be free in our giving. We must learn to trust that God will provide for our needs and will equip us with what we need to serve the kingdom.

DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you trust God in your own ministry?

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