He Seeks Us 4

John 15:16

When I work with couples planning a wedding I explain some of the requirements of the wedding service. There needs to be a part in the service where those getting married declare that they have come of their own free will (you may know it as the father giving away the bride). Weddings are not legal if both persons are not willing to take part in it.

This can also be a very meaningful time in the ceremony, however. By making any type of declaration of this sort you are stating that you have chosen the one you are marrying. This is the person you have selected to receive your love.

As Jesus was preparing for the crucifixion, especially preparing the disciples for what was about to happen, he explained some things to them. Who chose whom? What does Jesus want the disciples to do?

I can imagine that hearing this statement could really build the esteem of the disciples. Jesus had selected them. They were chosen by the Lord to be in a relationship with him.

And what he expected of them was that they were to bear fruit – that is, they were to do the good works of God’s kingdom. They were to express the love and compassion of God to a world in need, and Jesus would be with them as they did this work.

Now we must be aware that we are like the disciples. We have been chosen by Jesus. He is the one who has selected us. Jesus has desired that we be in a relationship with him.

And he calls us to do the work of the kingdom. But we will not be alone. Jesus will be present with us in all that we do if we will open ourselves up and welcome the Lord who seeks us.

DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you be reminded that Jesus has chosen you for this relationship?

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