There is a young man in our area who has experienced some severe health issues. One result of this is that the family is faced with difficult medical bills. This is very sad.
On the other hand one result of this is that the community came together the other day and put on a carnival with games and prizes to raise money for the family. Hundreds of people turned out to offer their support, not just in presenting and manning the carnival, but also in supporting the fund-raising efforts. What a wonderful thing.
Today’s passage is part of a larger story. Jesus and his disciples have come to the region of the Gerasenes, and in this place was a man who was possessed by demons. He lived among tombs. He had been chained up to help control him, but he broke the chains and spent his days crying out and cutting himself.
But Jesus arrived and cast out the demons, sending them into a herd of pigs. What did the people who tended the pigs do? When everyone came back what was the demon-possessed man doing?
This story is about a man who is living in misery. He has a life that is no life at all. He screams all day and night. He hurts himself. He can’t be contained, and I imagine that anyone who was near the man was frightened and at wit’s end as to what could be done.
But from this chaos came order. Jesus drove out the problems – the demons – and restored the man to normal life. When those who were familiar with the man saw him he was sitting there, dressed and in his right mind. For some reason this frightened the people of that region. They wanted Jesus to leave.
But we as faithful children of God, as believers in the power and presence of Christ, should see this story as one of hope. Jesus took away the problems and brought goodness and calm. And that is something we should come to expect from our Lord and Savior.
No matter what tumult and trouble we can be facing, even those frightening situations that we can’t chain up and control, Jesus can bring us peace. He can restore order and goodness if we will simply learn to trust him.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you let Jesus drive out the demons in your life?
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