My father loved to fish. He had a tackle box filled with lures and weights and spools of line and all other manner of fishing gear. He had a collection of rods and reels to choose from, and when I was young he owned his own outboard motor. To my recollection he never caught many fish. But that was okay; he just enjoyed fishing. It relaxed him.
Many of the disciples of Jesus were fishermen when he called them into ministry. But to them, unsuccessful fishing was not okay. It was bad business.
After the crucifixion and resurrection Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James, John, and two other disciples were all out fishing one night. Who is on the shore? What did he ask? What was his instruction? What was the result?
I am constantly amazed at these disciples. They have been with Jesus in his ministry. They saw the crucifixion and the resurrection. And after all these profound experiences they go out fishing. It seems they have forgotten what they were supposed to be doing.
But Jesus comes along and gives them some instruction. They have had a bad night of fishing – they caught nothing. But Jesus has them drop their net on the right side of the boat, and that results in a huge catch of fish.
The story has many lessons. It serves as a reminder that these disciples were called from a life of fishing for fish to a life of fishing for men. Jesus wanted them to preach and teach and gather believers into the kingdom of God.
It also shows that we need direction from our Lord so that we might be successful in our ministry. Jesus was able to direct these disciples and give them success. He told them to put their net on the right side – the correct side.
We can be like the disciples. We get excited about our faith from November to May, but then when the enthusiasm of Easter and Mother’s Day is over we often go off fishing. We forget that we are called into ministry.
We must remember what we have been called to do. And as we focus on our ministry we must ask the Lord for direction, so we know where to cast our religious nets to bring believers into the kingdom.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you keep your net on the right side of your boat?
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