Many years ago I took part in an on-line Internet bulletin board where people from all around the world discussed all manner of ideas and concerns. I shared some of the comments being made with a co-worker. Hearing what was being discussed she had some opinions of her own. She started to tell me what I should say in response to some of the comments.
“Tell them . . . ,” she started to say to me. “Tell them yourself,” I said.
There are often times and occasions in our life when we have something we would like to have said or get done. And there are times when we decide it is the responsibility of others to get these things accomplished. But, in fact, it is our own responsibility to do these things.
In Luke 9 we have the familiar story of the Feeding of the 5,000. Jesus and his disciples have been seen by many people and a crowd has gathered to hear what teachings Jesus might impart. As he taught time passed and the day grew late. What did the disciples want Jesus to do? What did Jesus tell the disciples?
It is evident that the people who have followed Jesus are in need of direction in their spiritual life. They have come to listen to the great teacher. They are eager to grow in their faith.
But the demands of life enter in. The day is growing old and people are likely getting hungry. They must eat something. They need food for sustenance just as they need spiritual teaching for their souls.
The solution the disciples come up with is to send everyone away. Let them fend for themselves. But more than that, they want Jesus to be the one who sends them off.
But Jesus tells the disciples that they, the disciples, should give this crowd something to eat. They need to get to work.
Like the disciples, we may see the need that other people have in their lives. They need hope and love. They need spiritual nourishment. And like the disciples we may think that it is the responsibility of others to handle the problem. But Jesus is speaking to us as well. “You give them something.”
Each of us as Christians is responsible for feeding the hungry souls of the lost. Each of us is responsible for being about the work of God’s kingdom.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can you give to someone in need?
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