Comfort in Sorrow 2

Isaiah 61:1-3

It is part of the job as a pastor to be available in times of grief and loss. As the pastor I make myself available to those who are facing end of life decisions, and I pray that God might work through me to give comfort and assurance. But there are times when I encounter those individuals with enough faith and confidence in the Lord that they actually minister more to me than I to them.

There have been times when I have been with church members who were so strong in their faith that they faced their own death with great calm and confidence. In those times I was witness to what true faith and belief is all about, and I was taught how I should act when my time comes.

Just as Jesus used the words from Psalm 22 at his crucifixion, Jesus read this passage from Isaiah when he began his ministry in Galilee (see Luke 4:16-21). What is said about the brokenhearted in verse 1? What will God do with those who mourn according to verse 2? What changes will come about to those who grieve according to verse 3?

Nowhere in these words from the prophet is it said that our lives will be free of sadness. In fact, although this passage is an expression of hope and optimism, there are many problems that are mentioned. Isaiah speaks of the poor, the brokenhearted, prisoners, mourners and those who grieve.

The hope comes in knowing that in spite of all these afflictions God is present. The Lord will be there for every person who weeps and suffers. Jesus will be with all those who grieve and mourn.

The Lord has promised to make changes for us. We will go from those who suffer and cry to those who celebrate and have joy. Our ashes of suffering will be replaced by crowns of victory. Our mourning will be replaced by gladness.

As we face the possible losses in life we must go forward in confidence knowing that our Savior is with us in all things. We must go through life with the confidence of knowing God is with us to take away our sadness and replace it with joy.

DAILY CHALLENGE: How do you know God is with you?