I Am Crushed 2

Acts 16:19-24

It has been said that one of the riskiest things you can do is try to save someone from drowning. The person drowning, apparently, is so intent on trying to save themselves that attempts at rescue will be met with violence. It can be disheartening to think that your good motives can be met with such conflict, such aggression. But oftentimes when we move to help another we can encounter fierce resistance.

After Paul healed the slave girl what did the girl’s owners do? Who joined in on the attack? What happened to Paul and Silas?

The old saying “No good deed goes unpunished” fits in this story. Paul has done the right thing. He has confronted a situation and exposed the truth. The girl was a slave and was trapped in that slavery because she was possessed by a spirit.

Driving out the spirit was an act of kindness. It was an act of love on Paul’s part. He intended to make life better. But as a result the owners saw that their lives were going to change.

They could no longer make money off the slave girl’s spiritual possession. Life had been going smoothly for them. The suffering the girl experienced was just accepted as part of the way things were. Now they were angry at Paul and Silas for changing things, even if it was for the better.

We may be aware of struggles others are experiencing. We may be aware of destructive decisions being made by people we know. We may see that the behavior of certain people, although part of the normalcy of life, is really unacceptable behavior that needs to change.

If we will do what is right we may encounter stiff resistance. We may make others angry because we are working to change the status quo. But if we will be the Christians we are called to be there will come a time when we must speak out and work to stop the destructive behavior of others so that they may be set free and brought into a healthier life.

You are encouraged to read the rest of the story – Acts 16:25-34.

DAILY CHALLENGE: What are the risks you face in speaking the truth? What will help you face these challenges without fear?