Bearing Fruit 1

Genesis 2:4-8

There is no question that life and growth and all that is in the earth are beyond our own making. All that exists is there because God has ordained that it be there. If we were not present still life would exist and things would grow.

Genesis presents the story of God’s creation. What did God make? What did God do with man?

Verses 4 through 7 tell us that God created all that exists. It also tells us that God created humanity. But in verse 8 we see God placing man – humanity – into the garden. What was the reason for this?

We exist in the midst of God’s work. And we exist for a reason. Part of our relationship with God and God’s creation is to enjoy all that God has made, but part of this relationship is that we tend to what has been made. God has placed humanity to exist within His garden and we are to help in producing the fruit of God’s creation.

But this concept goes beyond the physical plants and animals that God made. We are also part of God’s kingdom, part of the work that the Lord does in the world. This involves ministry and dealing with all other people that God has made.

God’s creation – His garden – is more than just green and flowering plants. It is more than just the animals that roam the earth. God has made us to care for one another. To do the work of God we must produce our own fruit. That fruit is not always something you can touch and taste.

The fruit of our labors, the fruit we are supposed to bear, is the good work of caring for others, having compassion on other people, helping the needy and sharing the love that God has given us. If we will be successful in bearing fruit for the kingdom of God we must be certain that we are rooted in the love of God. God must be the source and center of all that we do and how we work with others.

DAILY CHALLENGE: What fruit can you bear for God?