Faith in Action 3

Philippians 4:12-13

Verse 13 is a very powerful punch of a verse, isn't it?  I can do EVERYTHING... ANYTHING... SOMETHING? 

Many days, it feels like we can do NOTHING.  When the world is battering you on all sides and your sick and tired and you feel like you're going to drop, it's then that we realize that we are in the time of need that Paul refers to here.  There are days where I feel like if one more person asks me to do something for them I'm going to collapse into a heap and cry.  And they always do, and I usually manage to hold things together.

Life is tough.  And it's so important to realize that we don't just feel like we can do nothing... we literally can do NOTHING. 

It is only with God's grace and power and the support of those around us that we can do ANYTHING at all.  When I get feeling overwhelmed, I will make myself a checklist of what needs to get done.  And I keep telling myself if I can just accomplish SOMETHING today, that will be a good day.  And I get up and get going and get doing what needs to be done. 

But verse 13 tells us we can do EVERYTHING, just not in our own power.  Only through the one who gives us strength.  We need to constantly be reminding ourselves of that.  It's not our power or accomplishments or greatness -- it's God's.  All of the THINGS we can accomplish should be giving glory to Him and not to ourselves.  He is our superpower!

So the next time you face a day where it feels like you can do NOTHING, acknowledge that it's true.  And then set out to do SOMETHING and realize that with God's help, you can do EVERYTHING.

DAILY CHALLENGE:  Whether you are in a time of need or plenty right now, what THING will you accomplish with God today?

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