Shepherds 2

Matthew 1:20-21

Just as John the Baptist was a part of the Christmas story, so too were angels. An angel spoke to Zechariah, John the Baptist’s father. Angels appeared to the shepherds. An angel appeared to Mary and spoke to her about the birth of Jesus. And an angel guided Joseph.

This carpenter who was pledged or engaged to be married to the young woman, Mary, has discovered that the woman he plans to marry is already with child. Not understanding the heavenly and holy designs of what is going on Joseph decides to divorce her, to put an end to the relationship.

Who appeared to Joseph? What assurance is given? What name is to be given?

Joseph, a righteous man, has now been made aware of God’s plans. He has now been informed as to why Mary is with child and then he receives some instruction. Joseph should go through with the marriage and he should give the baby a specific name.

The name we are familiar with – Jesus – is actually just the Greek translation of the name “Joshua.” Just as most other names have a meaning behind them, the name Joshua has its own meaning. It means “the Lord saves.” But who is being saved and from what?

The angel explains in verse 21 what the birth is all about. Jesus – the Lord saves – will save people from their sins. He will remove the punishment earned from evil behavior. But who will receive this grace? The angel says that Jesus will save “his people.”

Our first thought might be that Jesus came to save the Israelites, the Jews, because Jesus was born as part of the Hebrew nation. While this may be true, I believe that “his people” are all the people who will accept Jesus as that Savior God has sent. I believe that Jesus came, not for a select group, but for all people. It is simply up to us to accept this gift and receive God’s grace.

DAILY CHALLENGE: How will you accept God’s gift this year?