Lesson in Love 5

Technologically challenged, I get frustrated when I must struggle through how to operate a new cell phone, navigate Facebook, or work with a new computer.  I often have to turn to my teen-age children for assistance.  I don’t understand how they do what needs to be done; I just know that THEY know what is going on.

We can face the same frustration in our faith.  It can be so easy to fall into a religion where our relationship with God and our life as a Christian is no more demanding than attending church as often as we can and giving what money we can.  Now and then we might even be willing to help out with special services or programs.

But when we are confronted with the knowledge that ministry to God involves caring for people we do not want to be around things get uncomfortable.  When being the church involves something beyond the church building and people outside of our circle of acquaintances we might get a little antsy.

Like the psalmist (Psalm 71) we may have to rely on trusting God for our strength and guidance.  And like the prophet Micah we may have to trust that we don’t always comprehend what God is doing.

The people in the synagogue where Jesus spoke thought they understood what this teacher was talking about.  He was speaking some words of comfort for people who were struggling in life.  But then he talked about going beyond this small circle of people and sharing God’s grace with everyone.

They were upset.  They were angry.  They were so angry they were ready to literally throw Jesus off a cliff to get him to stop.

But they couldn’t stop him.  He went on with his ministry.  He went beyond what was accepted and showed love to all people – the sinner, the stranger, the enemy.

We must know as Micah did, the plans of God are beyond our understanding.  We do not know the thoughts of God.  We must simply obey when we are sent.  We must follow our Lord when He tells us to love our neighbor, even if it frightens us.

DAILY CHALLENGE:  What can help you trust in God?