Repentance 2

Luke 5:18-25

Jesus seems to have been misunderstood since the beginning of his life. I would even claim that he is still misunderstood by many. It would seem that those who came to see Jesus were coming to hear a good teacher speak and possibly see some amazing healing.

We recognize Jesus as the Son of God, as God in human form. But those who were around him were not always aware of who exactly he was. What do the friends of the paralytic do? What does Jesus say to the man in need of healing? How do the Pharisees and teachers react? What does this demonstrate about Jesus?

Jesus offers healing in a unique way when a paralytic is lowered through the roof and set before him. Rather than say, “Be healed” or “Get up and walk,” Jesus declares that the man’s sins are forgiven. And that draws a lot of negative attention.

The religious leaders in his presence take offense and claim that Jesus is blaspheming – insulting God. Their comments are a reminder that only God can forgive sins.

And that is when Jesus proves his point. He equates declaring the man healed with declaring the man forgiven. At his command the invalid is able to rise and walk away. He is physically healed and he is forgiven of his sins.

Jesus has proven that, just as the Pharisees and teachers claimed, God can forgive sins. Therefore, Jesus is the Son of God.

We may call Jesus “Lord.” We may call him “Savior” and “Messiah.” But we must remember exactly what we mean by that. Jesus is more than just a good teacher, a kind helper, a good man. Jesus is God in human form, and we are called to accept him as Savior so that we may be forgiven.

This requires that we confess our sins to Jesus and ask for the forgiveness we need. We are not asking a teacher or helper, but we are asking God to forgive us. We should never forget that Jesus is the Savior we need. And we should never forget that we are all sinners who need forgiveness.

DAILY CHALLENGE: Can you acknowledge Jesus as the Savior by asking forgiveness from him?