Tools - Backpack 3

My wife does a lot of work for “Group,” a Christian organization which publishes curriculum for Sunday school classes of all ages, Bible studies, inspirational books, and especially vacation Bible schools.  This company began as the work of one man, Thom Shultz, who published a magazine in his garage.  This growing corporation was his inspiration and reflects his goals and direction.

Just as a corporation may be the result of one person’s dream and inspiration, and just as this company may be an image of that person’s drive, so we as Christians and members of a church are the reflection and image of Jesus Christ.  What does the writer of Ephesians say about Jesus’ authority?  What is the church?

As we journey in our faith we must know that we are the living out of the love of God through Christ.  Because Jesus came to teach and preach and save, the church as we know it was born.  We are the embodiment of who Jesus was and is.

Although we may get caught up in our own desires and designs as we live out our lives as Christians, we must remember that what we are doing is representing Jesus to the world.  We are the hands and feet of Jesus.  We are the body of Christ.

We fulfill the desire and purpose of Jesus when we share the love of God with others.  We are the fullness of Christ when we express mercy and compassion to those in need – physically and spiritually.  Christ is both the foundation and the head of the church.  He is the motivating force of our faith.

We may feel challenged to be strong in our faith.  But we must remember that Jesus is at the head of the church.  He is the source of our faith, the Spirit that compels us forward in our beliefs.  It is the will of Christ that we are living out when we live a life of faith.  And all that we do in faith is contained in the love and grace of our Savior.

DAILY CHALLENGE:  How can you keep Christ as your leader as you live out faith?