Tools - Armor 2

At the start of school when our children were younger we would send them off on their first day equipped with what they needed to make it through the year.  We would often go through all the things they had – pencils, paper, calculator, folders, glue, scissors, and so on.  With all the tools they needed they were aware of how to use them and aware that they could do anything asked of them at school.

Ephesians 6 brings this letter of faith preparation to a close with some powerful reminders of how to employ our faith in the struggles of life.  What are the three pieces of armor mentioned in this passage?  What do they represent?

Just as a belt buckled at our waist helps us to feel secure and works to hold everything in place, the armor of God begins with the belt of truth.  When we have wrapped ourselves in truth – the truth of who we are, what we are capable of, and what relationship we have with God – we are secure in our faith.  We know that we are surrounded by the love of God and on this truth we can hang all of the rest of our equipment.  The truth is what holds our faith in place as well as our ability to love and do the work of God.

With the belt of truth we also have the breastplate of righteousness.  “Righteousness” is often misunderstood as meaning “right, correct, not wrong.”  “Righteousness” may be more correctly defined as “having a correct and firm relationship with God.”  It is righteousness that keeps us close to God, that guides us in living out the love and mercy of the Lord.  When we cover ourselves with a correct relationship with God, protect ourselves with the holy guidance on how to live, we can face all the troubles in life.

For our feet we likely own shoes of some kind.  Shoes are not meant to be set aside and never used.  They are meant to help our feet do what needs to be done.

In faith we must put on the sandals (or shoes) of the gospel of peace.  Knowing that God desires to have all people in a loving relationship with Him allows us to move forward in our faith.  The gospel of peace helps us step out in faith and share the good news of salvation we know.

As we prepare to face the evils in the world we must be dressed in the armor of God, the truth and righteousness that gives us confidence, and the gospel of peace that drives us forward.

DAILY CHALLENGE:  What can remind you of the truth and righteousness you possess?