Trials 2

I remember the secretary at our previous church.  Whenever someone came into the church office and had a negative attitude – complaining, angry, shouting – she would walk around the office after they left and wave her hands as if she was fanning the air.  I asked her what she was doing the first time I saw it and she explained that she was chasing away all the bad.

We take that attitude in life.  We want to be able to chase off all the bad things in life.  We want to shoo away the negativity so that our lives will be perfect and wonderful all the time.

Psalm 23 is probably the most familiar of all Bible passages (at least in the top 10).  It is a wonderful expression of comfort from God.  What is our attitude even when facing death?  Why are we secure?  According to verse 5, what good thing does God do for us?  Who is there?

While we can find assurance in knowing that God can bless us as much as He does, we must also be aware that we are not completely spared all the troubles in life.  Although the 23rd Psalm is a litany of comfort we must still see that troubles exist.

We find comfort in knowing that God is with us.  His rod and staff are a security to us.  But we still must walk through that Valley of the Shadow of Death.  We still must go through those things that frighten us.

Although the Lord prepares a table of abundant blessings for us and He anoints us with oil, reminding us that we are special, still our enemies are there.  The table spoken of in verse 5 is not one of isolation.  The enemies are present.

As we go through the challenges of life we must remember that God is with us to give us comfort and blessings.  But we also must remember that in spite of the Lord’s presence we may not be completely spared of all the problems.

When we face troubles, when we experience pain, when we encounter sorrows we must know that we are not abandoned by the Lord.  We are embraced by God, protected, encouraged and upheld.

DAILY CHALLENGE:  How can you find strength to confront challenges?