Ephesians 3:16-19
Part of the structure of our church involves an annual conference – nearly a week-long gathering of representatives from all the churches in the western half of Ohio. Being a pastor of a small church and a former member of a medium-sized church, the annual conference can frequently bring a much needed awakening. I am reminded that the work of the Lord and the love of God extend far beyond the familiar walls of where I am.
Serving God by taking part in an outreach or mission project further emphasizes the depth and width of God’s kingdom.
In today’s passage, what does Paul pray that God will do? Why does he want that? What does he want them to understand, to grasp? What benefit does that bring?
It is easy to think about Christians as being only those people with whom you have dealings. We may begin to think that only those we know are Christians and we begin to lose sight that there are people all around the world who worship Christ as Savior.
We are called into a broader way of thinking, however. We are called to be aware that the love of God is for all the world and not just our small portion of it. John 3:16 states that “God so loved the world.” And we must never forget the breadth of this love.
In his letter to the Ephesians Paul is urging the people of Ephesus to broaden the scope of their love. If they could truly accept Jesus into their hearts, then with this foundation of faith they could comprehend how great God’s love is. They would know that God’s love is not meant for a small group of faithful believers, but His love is for everyone.
That same message is for us as well. We need to become aware that the love of God through Christ is beyond our measure. And, being aware of the vast scope of God’s love, we will then be more willing and more able to share that love with so many others.
With the strength and power of the love of Jesus residing in our hearts we will be able to reach out into other communities, other countries, other cultures with a spirit of service and inclusion. We will be able to share God’s love and bring His mercy to millions of people we have never met – millions of people in need of this mercy and grace.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can you do to keep yourself mindful of the scope of God’s love?