2 Timothy 4:2
Special performances and programs at the local school make me a little antsy because I have been unexpectedly called on in the past for various reasons. Once I was asked to offer a prayer at the beginning of an event. Once I was asked to draw names for a contest (because I am a pastor they figured no one would accuse me of cheating). Once I received an unexpected award.
Now, when I attend any school event I try to be as alert as possible because I never know if someone will call on me to do something.
The young Christian leader Timothy is given some advice on how to be prepared spiritually. What are the many things he should be ready to do? What does “in season and out of season” mean to you?
These instructions to Timothy are all about being prepared with faith. Timothy is encouraged to not allow anyone or anything take him off guard.
His first charge is to preach the Word. He is supposed to share the good news of Jesus with other people. He should also teach other people, correcting bad behavior and encouraging good.
And can’t these things be said of us as well? We should all be prepared to share the good news of Jesus Christ whenever we have a chance. We should not allow ourselves to use the excuse that we are not ready to talk about Jesus. We need more time to prepare.
If we have that attitude we can miss out on opportunities to save people from a life of hopelessness and sinful behavior. We can let slip our chances of doing good for God.
Instead we need to be prepared in season and out. We need to be ready to talk about our faith and our relationship with Jesus at any time, not just in places and situations where we would expect to. I have had unexpected conversations with people struggling in their faith in the grocery check-out line, in my driveway, and in the corner of a restaurant. Not everyone gives me the opportunity to meet them in my office with my Bible and commentaries spread across my desk.
Like Timothy we all should be prepared in season and out. We should be strong in our faith, confident in our relationship with Jesus, trusting in God’s presence, and ready to be that example of Christ others may need.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can equip you to be ready to share your faith?