Many people are familiar with the concept that we can learn from our mistakes. Doing something incorrectly or falling victim to some deception can be an immense learning experience that helps us grow and improve in life.
But we can also learn from the mistakes of others. Our parents can offer us teachings through the mistakes they have made and we can avoid these same mistakes if we are attentive to what has gone on before. They can also provide us with wisdom and insight based on their own faith struggles.
The message for the church at Ephesus has some instructions about a relationship with parents. What should children do? Why is this important? What is the promise contained in the fifth commandment?
The author of this letter makes it quite simple. Children are told to obey their parents, but it is qualified by the words “in the Lord.” Young people should obey their parents when it comes to matters of faith.
This is all based on the Ten Commandments. The fifth commandment from God is to honor our mother and father. With it comes the assurance, or promise, that it will go well with us all the days of our lives. If we can learn about faith and a relationship with God from our parents then we will have a deep and rewarding relationship for our entire life.
Faith is not always something which simply emerges inside us. We usually learn faith. We are taught about spiritual matters. We learn about a relationship with God.
As children we should embrace the teachings of those who have gone before us. We should learn from our elders, especially our parents, the essential pieces of our faith. And as faithful children of God we are all responsible for sharing our faith with those younger than ourselves or those new to faith.
Each of us should be willing – eager, in fact – to talk about our own relationship with God. We should be willing to share all the strength and guidance we have received from our deep belief in the Lord.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What lesson of faith can you teach?