Psalm 119:89-92
I caught part of a television show about an ancient engineer who designed simple machines to convey water to arid lands. Experts uncovered many of his designs and plans, and discovered that they still work. Using the natural power of rivers he made water wheels and simple pumps that lifted the water high into the air, conveying the water into aqueducts.
There are certainly other ways to irrigate land today, but these machines with designs that are thousands of years old are still feasible. The principles, although old, are valid.
Education today is not what it was thousands of years ago or even hundreds of years ago. Society functions differently than it did even half a century ago. It is easy to think that what once was valid is no longer applicable.
But in fact, the word of God is eternal. The laws and teachings of our Lord are still as true today as they were at the beginning of time.
In this portion of Psalm 119 the writer makes comment on God’s word, His commands and laws. What does he say about them? Why does he say these things (look at verses 90 and 91)? What benefit does the psalmist celebrate?
The morality of our society seems to be an ever-changing thing. All around us we can see decaying morals and acceptance of those things that were once forbidden. It has been said more and more that the church, Christianity, and faith in God is obsolete.
But God is constant. God is eternal and so is His love, and so are His commandments. By listening to the teachings of Jesus, by following the word of God, we can be given the directions we need to navigate through the trials and temptations of our world. Although what is acceptable and considered good may seem to be in flux, the truth is constant. The truths of God and the teachings of Jesus are still valid and worthy of our time and attention.
By holding fast to the goodness of God, by trusting in His constant mercy, by working to understand the lessons of Jesus Christ, we are able to overcome the troubles of the world. The word of God keeps us from perishing in our afflictions. It is up to us to listen to and understand the teachings of Jesus.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How will you live out the teachings of Jesus?