We’ve heard the expression before – “I’d give anything to have that new car.” Or, “I’ll do anything for you, because I love you.” We can toss the word “anything” around in our promises and our pledges, but in truth “anything” is usually beyond what we mean or beyond our abilities.
In John 14 Jesus is speaking frankly with his disciples, preparing them for when he will no longer be with them. He tells them that if they know Jesus then they know the Father. What does Philip want? What does Jesus mean by verse 9? According to verse 11, if they can’t believe his words what can they believe? What pledges are made in verses 12-14?
The last three verses of this section are the ones that light a fire in my heart and soul as a pastor. I would hope they could light a fire in every believer. In my mind, if we ignore what is pledged here we are just like the people in Nazareth from the reading in Mark (Mark 6:1-6). If we don’t approach these words from Jesus with the faithfulness that we are supposed to be living, then we are passing on the miracles that God offers.
Verse 12 tells us that we are supposed to be doing ministry. We are supposed to pick up where Jesus left off and carry forward in the good work of rescuing souls, healing the sick, feeding the hungry and caring for the deprived. And yet we overlook the fact Jesus said that we can do “even greater things than these.”
We have the opportunity to live out the true faithfulness we should be exhibiting. If we ask for anything from Jesus – anything! – as long as it is meant to bring glory to God, then Jesus will make certain we get what we need. How can we pass that up?
Yet, so many do. In fact, most people pass it up. And they pass it up, not because God can’t deliver, but simply because they cannot live the faithfulness we are supposed to be living.
If we can claim the faithfulness – pistis – of living out the fruit of the Spirit we can see world-changing miracles performed by God. We can lay claim to the “anything” Jesus offers.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What is the “anything” you need from Jesus?