Acts 2:46-47
One of our pastors from years ago asked about ways that we as a church could do more together. The first response was “pot-luck dinners.” This suggestion was not well received, but after some thought I realized how important shared meals can be.
With these meals we share a common space and a common time, spending time together as a community of worshipers. We also share of ourselves, preparing food that is intended to be distributed among many. It may seem superficial but carry-in dinners can be a way to achieve fellowship and a way for all of us to be made aware of the sacrificial attitude Christians should have.
The Book of Acts is an accounting of the very early church and the things (acts) they did. What did the believers do? What was their attitude? What was the result?
I am not advocating that covered dish dinners are the solution to all church problems, nor do I assert that these are a replacement for witnessing for Christ in the world.
But, as we look at the early church, we can see that sharing times of worship AND sharing meals was a wonderful way to build the church and strengthen the body of believers. The key is that these common or shared meals were a part of the worship. Bread was broken – a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice – and food was shared. But the attitude is key.
The people who shared this time of communing together did it with glad and sincere hearts. They celebrated the generosity of one another and took pleasure in one another’s gifts – a reminder of God’s abundance.
The result was that the church grew. More and more people were saved, hearing the good news of salvation through Jesus.
We are to take the same attitude in the rite of Holy Communion in worship. It is a celebration. It is still a part of worshiping God. It is an opportunity to join together with one another both physically and in spirit and celebrate the good news of salvation.
It is a reminder of God’s abundant table – not just of the physical needs which are met, but also the spiritual ills which are healed.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Will you have a glad and sincere heart during Communion? Will you praise God for His favor?