How often have you ever thought, “If I only knew then what I know now”? How often have you wanted to have a time-machine to take you back so that you can do things the right way? I think back on my earlier life, especially my childhood, and I think with disdain how timid I was in all that I did. I was afraid of everything and everyone. But that all changed when I read this Bible passage.
You see I am one of those silly people who believes the Bible to be true. I am one of those people who trusts in the promises of God. This passage turned me around.
Who is speaking? What assurance does God offer? Who do we belong to? What examples does God offer?
If we really believe in God then this passage should fill us with incredible confidence. God has declared that we are His people. We belong to Him. He has called us by name.
And God has given us incredible promises. Nothing can harm us. Fire and flood and destruction will not bring us harm. God is with us in all the tough times of life. He is there to keep us from destruction.
We may be faced with an uncertain economy. We may be worried about the weather and the impact that it will have on farmers and crops, and subsequently the already fragile economy. Gas prices may frighten us. Our jobs may seem shaky. Our health may make us worry.
But we need to face life with extreme confidence and trust. We need to remember these words from God. He will not let the waters of trouble sweep over us. He will not let the fires of fear burn us.
Not only is God with us but He is our Savior. He has redeemed us from the death of sin. He has redeemed us and freed us from a life of hopelessness and worry. He loves us so much that He embraces us in the darkest of times and He is there to strengthen and guide us through all the snares and pitfalls of life.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you face life with confidence?
This is the last 10/2 Grow Daily Devotion for this spring. We pray that you will have a blessed summer and that you may live a life of goodness and trust in the awesome power and love of your Lord. – Peggy and Roger