It is surprising how many jobs and activities require a type of uniform. Certainly those workers who must wear the same type of outfit as co-workers, often with their name and company logo on them, are people who have uniforms. Those in the military, those who serve in hospitals or in laboratories certainly have specific clothes to wear. Our children have sports uniforms in the school colors that they wear. Even farmers and those who work outdoors have certain clothes they wear for the job they will do.
It may not seem like it, but even a pastor has a uniform – often a nice shirt, tie, maybe a suit jacket.
In Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians he talks about being prepared for the coming of the Lord. He encourages them to be watchful. As people who “belong to the day” – that is, walk in the light of God – what are we to do? What uniform should we wear? What is God’s intention for us?
There are many who complain about having to conform to standards and bemoan losing one’s individuality, but uniforms – no matter what form they take – can be useful. As I dress for church I am aware that I am preparing to do my best and that I am going to a special gathering. My clothes help me remember my responsibility.
Casual Fridays in previous occupations were intended to help employees feel more relaxed, ultimately so they may work better. But I found that when I dressed to relax my attitude was relaxed and my job performance was poor.
As uncomfortable as a uniform – or shirt and tie – may seem, it helps us to get into the spirit of what we will do.
The same is true of our attitude in dealing with God. God intends for us to receive salvation. He intends for us to receive His grace and goodness.
But how can we be prepared to receive from God when our spiritual attitude has become lax? How can we be alert to doing God’s will if we have allowed ourselves to become distracted by worldly or selfish things?
Our “uniform” as Christian believers is self-control, faith and hope. These are the things we must “put on” so that we are prepared to serve God and to be in communion with Him.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you put on your Christian uniform?