Luke 12:35-36
The preparation for Thanksgiving was always a very busy time for me and my family. But, in spite of how hard some of the work may have been it was done with a joyful and glad heart.
Some of my chores were to sweep and mop the family room area, and to light the fire in the fireplace so that the room was welcoming and warm for all who came. Getting ready was a fun time of anticipation because I knew that our guests – friends and family I was anxious to see again – would be arriving throughout the day. Some would enjoy the comforts of our home for many hours and others would be arriving after dark, coming in from the cold to find a bright, warm welcome.
In Luke 12 Jesus has some words of instruction for those who would do the work of God. What are we to do? To what does he compare the work of the kingdom?
As we gather this holiday and enjoy the companionship of others let us remember those who still know loneliness and sorrows. As we celebrate the comforts and goodness we have in our lives let us remember those who have not yet found the love and grace that God can give. As we reflect on the abundance of spiritual blessings we know let us think of how we might be able to share this goodness with others.
The celebration we take part in should not be a celebration that we keep to ourselves. It should be a feast we are willing to share with others. We need to be ready and willing to open the doors to invite others in so they also might experience the love and mercy of God.
We must be ready in our celebrations to welcome the stranger, the person who is a stranger to the ways of the Lord. We must be prepared to help them find their way through the darkness of a life without hope, to find their way into the light and warmth of God’s grace.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you open the door for someone’s faith?