Joshua 6:2-5
Our teen-age children came back from a week-long ministry experience in Cincinnati this summer with stories of how their groups prayed for ministry opportunities and were given visions of very unlikely scenarios. On one occasion they had a picture of a man in a red shirt, a gas station, and a van. It seemed odd, but they trusted in God and went to the nearest gas station with money in hand willing to help someone in need.
Sure enough, a man in a red shirt came in needing gas which the teens paid for. He was so impressed he passed the blessings on to others as an act of gratitude, helping another person – in a van – whose need was greater.
Allowing God to give us a vision for ministry is not always as simple as what our children went through, but the attitude and process are the same. Pray. Ask. Trust. Do.
Joshua has led the Israelites into the Promised Land only to be blocked by the fortified city of Jericho. But God gave a picture of what Joshua was to do. What promise does God give? What are the instructions? What is the result?
The story of Joshua fighting the battle of Jericho, bringing down the walls with the sound of trumpets and shouts, is one most are familiar with. We can imagine the thoughts that might have gone through Joshua’s mind. The picture God created for him may have seemed rather ridiculous, but Joshua trusted and obeyed.
The result was a victory without the loss of a single man. God’s plan worked and the picture became a reality.
God may give us a picture of what needs to be done. We may have an image or idea for a ministry and that image may seem impossible or ridiculous. But, if we feel certain that God has given us the picture and if the intent is to serve God, then God’s picture can become reality. The ministry can be done. We need to trust in what God has given to us and obey His desires.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Where can you trust God’s vision?