Revelation 22:17
On an episode of “All in the Family,” Archie explained the social convention of giving the brush-off to people you don’t want to socialize with. He said that at the end of the conversation you tell them, “We must get together sometime,” but then you never do.
How often do we give false invitations to other people? We can often tell others that they are welcome to drop by any time, when in fact we don’t expect them to visit. We may in fact prefer that they don’t.
We believe that the Bible is God’s word, His message to all of us. I see the Bible as God trying to reach out to us. From the beginning to the end, the Bible is a message of love and invitation from God, and this is not an insincere invitation from God.
It is made extremely clear at the conclusion of the Bible. Here, in the final book of the Bible, near the end of this message from God, we have an invitation. Who calls us to come? What should the hearer do? What is offered?
The Holy Spirit summons us with an invitation to come to the refreshing spiritual spring God offers. All are welcome to take the free gift that is offered – the gift of life, a new life, a better life, a happier life.
But the Holy Spirit is not alone. Revelation speaks of the “bride” inviting others to come. The term “the bride” is a reference to the church of believers under Christ. So, according to this verse, the church joins with God in offering an invitation to those who seek a new, revived life in Jesus. It is part of the duty of all believers to invite the seeker to find a relationship with God.
And who are these who need an invitation? All who are thirsty, all who desire to know who God is and who Jesus is, are welcome and invited to take the free gift of the water of life.
Jesus invites us into a relationship with him. He invites us to allow him to share our burdens. He invites us into a revived spirit. Now we must join in with the Holy Spirit, with Jesus Christ and all the church in inviting all people into this loving relationship.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you be part of the invitation?