Luke 24:9-12
I can think of oh, so many times when, as a parent, I have listened to a story or explanation that one of our children has offered and been utterly confused by it. How did that stain get there? What happened to your coat? Where did you leave your backpack? Frequently we have the story repeated to us several times, and even then I am left baffled as to what actually happened.
Sometimes the information we are given is so unbelievable, so astounding, that we are confused by it all.
On that first Easter morning, when Jesus rose from the tomb, the celebration of the resurrection had not begun. The first reaction to the event was confusion and amazement.
How did the disciples react to the report the women gave? What did Peter do? How did he react after seeing the tomb with his own eyes?
Those closest to Jesus were presented with the miracle of a risen Lord, and they weren’t sure what to do with that information. They were presented with an empty tomb, and they weren’t sure how to react to that.
The women probably came back so amazed that what they were saying was just a jumble to those who heard. But even when Peter sees the tomb himself his reaction is not the joy we might expect. He wonders what happened.
Before we judge too harshly those who were witness to this resurrection, let us remember that all of us are presented with an empty cross and an empty tomb, yet so few know what that means. The fact that Jesus died for us, the fact that he rose again, should be evidence enough that we are to obey the teachings of Christ. We are called to live as Jesus did because Jesus is our Lord and Savior – demonstrated through the crucifixion and resurrection.
Yet, so many people continue to live as if what happened is not important. They fail to allow the miracle of the resurrection to change their lives.
The empty cross and empty tomb give us a choice. We can continue in our sinful life, or we can choose to follow Christ.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How will you respond to the risen Christ?