Proverbs 22:26-27
There are few things in my life that are more reassuring and more personal than my bed. My bed is where I sleep each night, finding a wonderful place of relief and security. My bed is where I lie when I am sick or just need a break from the tensions of life. My bed represents the most intimate and private part of my life, and also the source of the most comfort and security.
In these two verses from Proverbs we have mention of a bed. What should we not do? Why not?
This wise saying is a caution against risky business dealings. It is a warning against over-extending yourself, your finances, and your credit. Don’t enter into pledges and promises that put your possessions at risk. Don’t borrow so much money that all you own is used as collateral.
Our current culture is one in which indebtedness is the norm. Most people are involved in some form of debt. Most people owe money on their homes. Many owe money on their cars. Some have debt owed on medical expenses or perhaps investments.
It is not uncommon to have some debt and there is nothing really wrong with having some debt. Debt on housing and automobiles can be expected. But this is reasonable debt, and usually debt which can be managed.
Problems arise, however, when people get into serious debt with every day living. A large problem in our economy is the fact that so many people are deeply in debt - $20,000 to $50,000 – for such things as clothing, food and vacations. And this debt is owed through credit cards with high interest rates.
What could happen? Creditors could literally foreclose and take away your possessions, even your very bed. On a less literal level, such debt takes away that sense of comfort, ease and security a bed might represent.
If we can honestly assess what we have and what we can afford, if we can put God first and then be certain we are providing for the NEEDS (not the wants and luxuries) of our families, if we can control our desires to want more and more and more, finding contentment in what God has provided, we will more likely avoid the troubles of losing all we have, even the very personal and secure parts of our life.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can you do to begin reducing your debt?