Now and then my wife and I like to go out to a nice dinner, or dinner with friends and perhaps a movie. Though we have been married many years it is always fun to dress in fine clothes and go some place special. I really look forward to those times. In spite of how long we have been together, in spite of how familiar we are with each other, it is good to present ourselves to one another in a special “cleaned up” way.
Peter gives us a prediction of the future in this reading. What are we looking forward to? How do we know it will happen? What should we do about it?
There are so many people who label themselves as “Christians.” There are so many who can even quote the Bible or tell you the details of many of the Biblical stories. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they are real Christians.
There are many houses of worship with seats filled with “pew-sitters,” those folks who go through the act of being Christian, of worshiping, of living Godly lives, when in fact their heart and soul isn’t in it at all.
As Easter nears I struggle with the message of the day. Do I tell the story of the empty tomb? It has been told so many times before. Is there anyone who will be in our church who doesn’t know the story? The Christian faith is founded largely on the belief of the resurrection, but that story can become such a tradition that it loses impact.
The story doesn’t need to be told again. The meaning of the story needs to be told.
What does the resurrection mean to us? It means that we have had our sins forgiven. It means that we are offered everlasting life through Christ. But it means more than that.
It also means we are expected to live out the fruit of the Spirit. We are expected to walk in step with the Holy Spirit and exhibit all the aspects of that fruit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
And it also means that we will have our own crucifixion. We are to crucify the sinful nature in us and make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with God.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What do you need to do to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with God?