Isaiah 9:1-2
Ernest Hemingway has the main character in the book “The Sun Also Rises” make the comment that there is nothing there in the dark that isn’t there in the light. But in some ways I must disagree. When we exist in darkness, whether we are talking about physical dark or spiritual dark, there are things there that we could be better off without.
Darkness, the physical absence of light, can increase a person’s feelings of being alone. Darkness can increase depression. And spiritual darkness – that separation from God or that separation from wisdom and love – can cause a person to be truly empty. To combat this we need light. A bright room helps ward off feelings of isolation and fear. And spiritual light, drawing near to God, can completely change your soul.
Part of Isaiah’s prophecy about the coming Messiah talked about the removal of the spiritual pall that was over all the people. How do both of these verses begin?
Christmas celebrations frequently use a great deal of candles or lamps. And this passage is part of that tradition. The light of the candles reminds us of the great gift of light that is Jesus Christ. Jesus came to be a light of wisdom and a light of God’s love for all people. Through his teachings we are given the direction, the light of wisdom, we need to help us comprehend God and to help us obey God’s command.
Through his life and sacrifice Jesus became a beacon of love for all in need. He shines the light of love for all of us to see that we might be drawn into this wonderful relationship with God.
We no longer need to live in the gloom of hopelessness. We no longer need to fear the spiritual death that sin can bring. Our days of sorrow are at an end.
Instead we have the wonderful gift of Jesus. He has come to be our counselor, the giver of great hope to all people. He is our companion and guide, that source of strength and refuge in troubled times.
And his love for us, God’s love, is a bright and wonderful light that can shine on our lives and chase away the gloom and darkness of ignorance and loneliness. Let this Christmas season be a time of light to you. Stand in the glorious glow of God’s love.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Is there any darkness in your life that needs the light of Christ?
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday the 10/2 Grow for this week only contains three installments. We wish for all a very joyous holiday and many thanks to God. – Peggy and Roger