Philippians 2:1-4
Like any family we have our little squabbles between the five of us, and it is not at all uncommon for our children to fight among themselves. But for the most part we all get along quite well. And some of the happiest times are those times when we all work together for a common goal and common purpose. As a parent it is also a joyful thing to see our children taking part in some ministry, sacrificing time and effort to help others.
My image of God is influenced and shaped tremendously by my role as a parent. I imagine that God is delighted when we are all of one mind and one purpose, especially when that purpose is to do good.
In his letter to the church at Philippi Paul talks about the kind of attitude faithful believers should have. What would make Paul’s joy complete (verse 2)? What attitudes should we already have (verse 1)? What are his instructions in verses 4 and 5?
If we are members of the body of Christ, if we are part of a church or worship community, then the attributes listed in the first verse should apply to us. We should be encouraged through our unity in Christ. We should find comfort in God’s love. We should be in fellowship with the Spirit.
And if we have all those things then we should be like-minded. All of us in the body of Christ should be working toward the same purposes of love, compassion and mercy. And we should be not only like-minded with one another, we should be of the same mind as Christ himself.
If we who are united in the body of Christ can achieve these things and also look to the interest of others, then we can bring others into fellowship with us and with Jesus. And if we can bring others into fellowship with Christ, then they too will find encouragement in unity with Christ. They too will find comfort in love. And they will find fellowship not only with us, and not only with Jesus, but with the Spirit as well.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you look to the interest of others in the spirit of Christian fellowship?