Psalm 57:1-2
We are having trouble with our photo-copier at church. It appears that some dirt has built up on the roller where the paper comes out of the machine causing the copies to jam up. Although the problem may be more than that I thought about how much trouble a small amount of dirt can cause with copiers.
If even the smallest bit of dirt or ink or paper bits gets into the workings of the copier it will not function properly. If any dirt is on the glass plate then all the copies will have that smudge on them. A little dirt keeps the machine from functioning the way it is supposed to.
Psalm 57 is credited to David, the father of Solomon and one of the greatest of the kings in Jewish history. What does he ask for? What does he plan to do? Why does he cry out to God?
If you think about people who were really powerful in their faith and committed to God, David would have to be up there at the top of the list. He was very devoted to serving God and God blessed him richly.
However, just like everyone else, David made some mistakes along the way. He knew that he was in need of forgiveness and that he needed to repent of his sins. This psalm is one of those expressions of repentance.
David cried out to God and sought mercy. He needed God to be present with him to give him assurance. He wanted the Lord’s mercy, and in describing God he says that God fulfills his purpose.
With God’s forgiveness and grace, with the renewal of spirit that mercy brings, David was able to fulfill his purpose. He was able to live out his faith. He was able to behave as one who is truly devoted to God.
Once the sins were removed and David was cleansed he was able to move forward and be obedient to God.
Like David we must turn to God in repentance. We must turn to our Lord and seek His mercy so that we might be cleansed of all our failings. Thus cleansed, we will then be able to live out the purpose God has for us. We will be able to be obedient to God with a pure heart and soul.
Like the copier, the smallest amount of dirt – sin, selfishness, laziness, disinterest – can prevent us from fulfilling our purpose and functioning as we have been called to do.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What must you do to fulfill God’s purpose for you?