John 17:15-16 There used to be a commercial on TV for Calgon® bath soap. After a rough day the harried housewife and mother would immerse herself in the bubble bath and say, “Calgon, take me away.”
We can all feel that way now and then. The worries and stress of life can make us want to find a place of seclusion and rest. And, if possible, we would like to be spared the troubles of life. We may want to be taken away from all the trouble.
But troubles come anyway and we have to deal with them. We just need to remember that God is watching over us even in the toughest of times.
In John 17 we see Jesus offering a prayer to God before he is arrested. In spite of what Jesus is about to go through he takes the time to speak to God about those who follow him. What does Jesus request? Why does he want this?
Jesus was facing some big challenges on the night he was to be arrested. He was facing torment and crucifixion. And he knew that his disciples would have a tough time of it when he was gone. They too would face their own challenges and struggles.
But Jesus prayed for his followers. He didn’t ask God to remove them from the world, even though as believers in Christ they were no longer part of the world. He knew they would have to go through the challenges. What he asked for was that God would be there with them to watch over them in love. He asked God, not to stop the problems, but to be with them in the problems.
Later, in John 17:20, Jesus includes us as well. “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message.”
We will not be spared all the troubles and problems in life. We will face some challenges, even times when we feel all alone and beset on all sides. But God loves us so much that He watches over us even in the darkest of times. We must trust that God is with us.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you know God is with you in all things?