Matthew 18:20
Time alone can be very important. We often need some time where we are by ourselves, to spend an hour or two in quiet reflection, to have some peace and quiet to rest and think. But we are not meant to be alone. Since the creation of the world God has intended for humanity to be in a community with others and with God.
This passage from Matthew specifically follows a command that those who believe have the authority, when they are in agreement over a matter, to ask God for assistance in doing the Lord’s work. What does this closing comment remind us of?
A community of faith is vital for the work of God’s kingdom. Community with other believers is important in the growth of our faith and in our own spiritual journey. As believers we may feel comfortable in the knowledge of our connection with God and that may lead us to believe that it is not necessary to spend time in a worship community.
But we are in the company of more than just one another when we gather to offer worship to God or when we gather to do work in the Lord’s name. Whenever we gather as believers Jesus is present with us also. What a comfort and an assurance to know that in our frailty we are empowered with the presence of our Savior.
This is a reminder of how deeply God loves us and how much we are loved by the Son, Jesus Christ. We are not alone. The Lord is with us at all times. But it is also a reminder that it is important to gather as believers, coming together in a faith community, because when we gather the Spirit of God is with us.
Whenever we gather to worship we must bear in mind whose presence we are in. We must remember that our coming together in community is also an invitation for Christ to be with us.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you have an attitude of hopeful expectation and invitation when you attend a worship service?