A few weeks back I was part of a lecture series for church leaders. During the lunch break a needy person entered the church looking for financial assistance. I don’t know if the pastor gave the man money or not, but I do know the man was invited to join this gathering of leaders at lunch.
It did not matter who the man was. It did not matter what his reasons were for asking for money. He was invited in to be part of the kingdom of God.
Jesus has helped some of his disciples catch a large haul of fish, so many the net nearly broke as they brought it in. If that were not enough to show the disciples who was with them, he does more to show them who he was. What invitation does Jesus offer? What did Jesus do?
The disciples may not have realized at first that Jesus was the man on shore directing their fishing efforts. But once they caught so many fish they knew who it was. The Bible says that they dared not ask him who he was. They may have been embarrassed that hey had not recognized him right away. Or they may have been embarrassed that they were fishing and not out doing ministry.
Regardless of what was going on with the disciples, Jesus remained constant. He invited them to himself. He welcomed them at a meal he had prepared. He broke bread for them and shared some fish.
Even if we have strayed from our faith a little, if we have allowed ourselves to become lax in our efforts, still Jesus invites us to be with him. He desires that we find new strength and new energy in his presence.
Jesus will break the bread with us, a reminder that he was broken for our salvation. He will share his bread with us; he will share himself so that we might be equipped to be in ministry.
Jesus will share more than the bread. He offers us fish. We are also invited to be in communion not only with the Lord but with all those who have been brought into God’s kingdom.
DAILY CHALLENGE: How can you be sure to respond to Christ’s invitation?