Isaiah 43:1-2
I will never forget our experience during our mission trip in Haiti. We were told that as foreigners, especially Caucasians, we should not walk the streets alone. It was a risk to do so. But one day we were faced with the need to walk a mile from the orphanage school to the children’s house. There was no ride and no escort.
So, with a whispered prayer, we left the secure walls of the school and went out into the street. We were immediately met by a man who was friends with the couple who run the orphanage and he walked with us the whole way.
That was a big reminder to me that God is there to protect us in difficult and uncertain times, and I have carried that memory with me as I go into any neighborhood or situation where I might otherwise feel at risk. I know God is with me and He will keep me safe.
This passage from Isaiah has become one of my favorite Scriptures. What does God remind us of in verse 1? What assurance is given? What promises are made in verse 2?
Although we should not test God in His mercy by deliberately putting ourselves in risky situations, we should remember that God knows us. He created us. He has known us since before we even came into being, and that relationship is one of tremendous love.
We are more than simply people who happen to know God. We are more than just acquaintances of the Almighty. We belong to Him. He has worked to give us salvation through Jesus Christ. He knows us by name.
When we face the troubles that life can dish out, even the problems of our own making, we must remember that God wants us to succeed and be well. He is with us at all times. He will guard us against the assaults and trials of life.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can remind you that God values you?