Matthew 18:20
Whenever I travel, and especially in these winter months with bad weather, I am grateful for the cell phones our family now owns. No matter where we are or what we are going through we can connect with one another in an instant. During moments of loneliness or anxiety we can keep in touch, the voice over the phone offering security and assurance. Although the loved one is not actually physically present, knowing that we are in touch gives strength and hope in times of fear and worry and solitude.
Just as Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 talks about that third strand in a cord, as we enter into a love relationship we must be aware of the need to invite God into the connection. In Matthew what does Jesus say about his presence?
This passage is specifically used for times of worship, times of Christian fellowship, Bible study, or any time believers gather. If two or more are gathered in the name of Jesus, for the purpose of holy fellowship, then Christ will be present also. Jesus will bless that time together and be a part of the connection.
But I believe this passage can apply even to a love relationship. If we enter into a bond with another person, if we share a relationship of love and caring for another, and we put Christ into that relationship as well, then the Spirit of the Lord will indeed be present. If we invite Jesus to be part of our love relationship he will come and be that third strand, that strengthening presence, which will help keep the love relationship powerful and secure.
Too often we enter into a commitment with other people and we trust in the emotion and our own faithfulness, failing to recognize that our relationships are at risk if we do not strengthen them with the presence of God. If we will love another person, even when we commit to binding that emotion of love to our being and that commitment of faithfulness to our hearts, we can sustain our love if we involve the Lord.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Have you invited Jesus to be with you in your love relationships?