10/2 Grow
A daily devotional
Give It 1
Hebrews 13:15-16
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This week, we're looking at the fourth characteristic of a healthy Christian - giving.
We are always being told to give sacrificially, but what does that mean? What defines a sacrifice? I found this definition in the Encycolpedia of Religion:
(Latin, 'that which is made sacred'). The
offering of something
, animate or inanimate, in a ritual procedure
which establishes
, or mobilizes,
a relationship
of mutuality
between the one who sacrifices
(whether individual or group)
the recipient - who may be human but more often is of another order, e.g.
or spirit.
In other words, giving up something to create or energize a relationship between ourselves and God.
Now, it is important to distinguish between creating a relationship with God and paying "dues" to a church. For some, giving our offerings becomes like paying admission. Something that lets us in -- something that buys God off.
But that's not what the definition of a sacrifice is. Giving sacrificially, giving to strengthen our bonds with God, makes our gift sacred or holy.
So what is a sacrifice of praise? Shouldn't it be easy to praise? What does this mean?
The key is in the second half of today's reading. When we offer a sacrifice of praise--when our offering truly becomes something sacred and holy that thanks God for what we have been given--God is pleased. When we do good for others and share what we have, these acts also become sacred and holy things, pleasing God.
What we end up with is giving pleases God. It's not about underwriting any institution or making a show for the community or making yourself feel better. It's as simple (and mind boggling) as pleasing God.
: What can you do today to please God? Can you do good, confess his name, or give to others?
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