Is the same true of our faith? What do some people believe? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then what happened with Jesus? If Jesus did not rise from the dead, what does that say of our worship and our faith?
It was true in the time of Paul and it is true today. There are many people who believe that religion is something foolish people do to keep themselves busy. There are those who believe that Christianity is a centuries-old hoax, a foolish myth that is perpetuated to take money from others. There are those who refuse to believe in the miracles of God and the love of Christ.
And if they are correct then our faith is as useless as a desk no one will ever use. If there is no God and Jesus did not do what the Bible says, then we are wasting our time gathering to worship.
And it seems that throughout history there has never been a bit of evidence to prove undeniably that it did happen. Nor is there anything to prove it did not. It is always a matter of faith and belief. We can ask the question – did it happen? But we will never have a definitive answer.
The questions to ask are – do you believe it happened? Do you believe in Jesus Christ? And, if you do, what are you going to do about it?
One of the problems can be that many people don’t think about what they believe. We attend church, we listen politely as the message is given, and we go home. Where is our commitment to drawing nearer to God? What can we do to know more about the background of the Bible and more about what was being preached?
Never let others tell you what to believe. Decide for yourself what you believe and be able to stand up for it.
DAILY CHALLENGE: Write down what you believe about Jesus in just five sentences.
I'm guessing the desk belonged to Bill McDulin, right?
LOL! Of course it did! But in the interest of full disclosure, the desk pictured was NOT the desk mentioned. You can tell because there was not a stupid bird hanging over the desk!
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