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2 Timothy 4:1-5

The lyrics to a song from “Casting Crowns” ask the question, “What if the family turned to Jesus and stopped asking Oprah what to do?” It makes me chuckle every time I hear it, but it also makes me ask the same question. Not to pick on Oprah, but it can sometimes seem that our culture is desperately seeking answers, and they are looking everywhere but the church.

Like so many other concepts, this one is not a new idea. A young, First Century believer named Timothy received a letter of instruction and encouragement, words that can apply to any of us.

What is he told to do in verse 2? What warning is issued in verses 3 and 4? What four instructions are given in the final verse?

It could be easy to disregard these words because you can claim you are not a pastor. You are not in ministry. These words are instructions to ministers. Timothy may have served as a church leader, but these words are indeed for every Christian because every Christian is in ministry.

The words that strike me are “be prepared in season and out of season.” This could be poetic wording, a clever and beautiful way of saying that you should always be ready. But if we think of Jesus suggesting that the harvest is plentiful and the workers few (Luke 10:2), then it might be referring to a different kind of season. It may be referring to the season of harvesting souls.

When is the harvest time for souls? It could be in the autumn. It could be in the spring. It is whenever the lost person turns to you for spiritual advice. Will you be ready for your season? Will you be ready by living a good and holy life, a life that bears witness to Christ, at all times?

We are called to be ready in season and out. That is, we should be shining examples of Christians whether someone is looking at us for direction or not, because it is the right thing to do and we never know when a lost soul will turn to us.

DAILY CHALLENGE: What can you do to be ready in season and out?

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