The Book of Jeremiah is a record of the prophecies of Jeremiah. It is a significant book in the Bible, and it is a name most people are familiar with. Yet, like so many people, when God called Jeremiah he was less than enthusiastic.
According to verse 5, what three things did God do? How does Jeremiah describe himself? What is God’s response?
I have been in the ministry of preaching and making hospital visits for about seven or eight years now. I usually receive positive responses from people about my messages, and most people seem to appreciate my visits.
Yet, there is not a week that goes by where I do not feel like Jeremiah. “I do not know how to speak.”
We can all claim this. We can all say that we have no skill or talent that could be called a ministry. We can all think of ourselves as less than adequate for serving God.
But that is all simply an excuse to get out of what God wants us to do. Like Jeremiah we all need to be reminded that God knew all about us before we were even formed in the womb. If God has called each of us to be in ministry in some way, then we must remember it was God who set us apart and appointed us for whatever task it may be.
If God has set us apart for a particular ministry, and He has called us, then He must know we are able to accomplish the ministry – even if we don’t know that.
Two things register with me as key. The first is addressed in verse 7. God does not say “I would like you to go” or “It would just tickle me pink if you go.” God says, “You must go.” Don’t those words apply to us?
The second is addressed in verse 8. God assures that “I am with you.” How can we fear when God is with us?
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can you do to remind yourself that God is with you when you do His work?
The artwork today is actually from 2 Corinthians 3.
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