One of my self-appointed duties has always been to check the doors before going to bed. I make certain each one is closed securely and locked. Then I can sleep with some confidence that nothing bad will happen at night. It is something that brings a sense of security.
The prophet Micah has a vision of a new king who will rule over Israel. What type of king will he be? Where will he gain his strength? How will the people live?
This image of a shepherd, a king who rules with the authority and power from God, is traditionally interpreted as a prediction of Jesus. Earlier, in verse 2, Micah has predicted that this wonderful king will come from Bethlehem. Part of the description is that this is a king “whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”
We can keep our life as safe as possible with locks and doors and planning that avoids trouble. Yet, there is not always protection from the stresses of life, nor the heartache and sorrows that come. But, rather than hiding away in fear, we can live a life with some hope knowing that no matter what our troubles may be, physical or emotional, we are guarded over by a great and glorious king of mercy and love.
Jesus is indeed our king. And Jesus is indeed a shepherd who watches over his people – us – with the strength of the Lord. Knowing that our king has come, that he is with us now, should bring us a sense of security, a comfort and a hope that is greater than that which comes from the strongest of locks.
No matter what may happen to us in life, no matter what adversities we face, we can rest in the hope and peace of knowing that we are guarded by the great king and shepherd Jesus Christ. For it is true what Micah has predicted, his greatness has reached the ends of the earth and his grace and love and protection has no limit.
In Jesus Christ is our hope and our security, for in Christ is our salvation.
DAILY CHALLENGE: As you lock your doors this night offer a brief prayer of thanks to the shepherd king who watches over you.
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