Psalm 16:8-11
One talent that I developed years ago (and now has begun to fade) is the ability to tune out co-workers and activities going on around me when I worked. Employed in a business that involved hundreds of cubicles and people talking and working all around me, it was essential to be able to focus on my work goal and ignore everything else.
A similar talent is needed in our spiritual life. We can be led away from God or caused to doubt if we allow our spiritual attention to fall on anything other than God.
What has the psalmist done? What benefits are there in that (verses 8-9)? According to verse 11, what else does God offer?
The birth of Jesus was the answer to a centuries-long desire and hope for the Jews. They had prayed and longed for a Messiah, a deliverer to save them from the fears and difficulties of life. Unfortunately, much of the image of the Messiah became the image of a political king who would resolve the physical hardships of an oppressive life.
Instead, God sent a Messiah with a more valuable salvation. Jesus came, not to stop the troubles of life, but to rid the world of our fears and sorrows for eternity. Sin was removed. Spiritual freedom and joy was given.
For those who set the Lord always before them, who can keep their souls focused on God and obeying the commands and examples of Jesus, there is security. God does not always prevent bad things from happening to faithful believers, but faith in God certainly makes it easier to endure the hard times. As I grow deeper in my own faith I find fewer and fewer problems in my life, and those difficulties I do experience are not so devastating when I know that God is with me.
Christmas is the time when we celebrate the birth of Christ, the opportunity to be shown the path of life. With the gift of Jesus, all who believe may have glad hearts and may rejoice. The gift of Jesus is a gift that brings joy to all who set the Lord always before them.
This Christmas, take the time to be joyful in the gift of Jesus and then set the Lord before you, keeping your faith focused on God through the holidays and into the new year.
DAILY CHALLENGE: What can you do to keep the Lord always before you?
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